Monday, 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hey All! 
I don't know if you guys know this yet but I love to decorate my office at work! I thought I would take some pictures to show you :) 

 The big shot, Mike was overwhelmed when he saw it all put together!

I also love cupcakes, here are my owl cupcakes for the work Halloween party! So cute right?!

I hope you guys had a safe and fun Halloween!
<3 Kass

Saturday, 22 October 2011

I love the weekend!

Hey all!

I am very excited for this weekend! Mike is going to go ATV'ing with his brother out or town so I have a whole Saturday to myself (which I have already slept away half of). I am really excited to be able to stay home all day and do whatever I want, work has been killing me lately and I have been craving some alone time. (And this is now guilt free cause Mike is going for a boys weekend). I have big or little plans for this weekend. Here is what I would like to get done.

1. Work on one of the 3 quilts that I need to finish soon
2. Knit one of the 2 Christmas presents that I am working on
3. Laundry
4. Vacuum
5. Walk on the treadmill while watching the news and knitting

Here is what I HAVE to do.
1. Volunteer at church Sunday
2. Go to church with Nana and Aunty
3. Go to dinner at the parental units

Now...I am going to be perfectly happy if nothing on my "would like to do list" gets done, because I know that if I sit on my butt all day and facebook/watch T.V/ read, that is what I need. I am starting to be really big on self care and making sure that I care for myself (mostly because work is so busy). So I am intent on having a self care weekend, whatever that may be!

What do you guys do for self care? I started my day with my favorite mode of self care. Sitting on my couch and drinking coffee while playing my facebook games and catching up on blogs :)

<3 Kass.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Pies and finished projects!

Mike has been asking for a lemon meringue pie for awhile, so I thought Thanksgiving was a good time to answer that wish. I used the recipe for Lemon Tarts from the Blackbird Bakery Gluten Free cookbook and converted it into a pie recipe, it actually made 2 pies. 

 This lemon filling is so good I can eat it all by itself...
 I love this mixture!
 So pretty, and tasty too!
 You know little Johnny's blanket that I have been working on FOREVER?! Well it's DONE!!!

 So pretty right?!
 I am in love with this blanket.
Mike and I decided to start a quilt, and he wanted in on the action. I honestly don't think there is anything hotter than this picture! He did great too. I will post pictures once it's the quilt is safely with it's recipient. 

Hope things are great for y'all. 

<3 Kass

Monday, 3 October 2011

Me a Wino?! Nah....

Wine is delicious, and Dr. Oz say's that a serving a day is healthy for me! So I drink it, a "small" glass almost daily. However this can be a pricey habit, so when my friend J advised me that you can make wine in stores in B.C for super cheap I was really excited! (I don't have the room to make wine at home...nor do I want my house to smell). So about 2 months ago Jocelyn went to B.C and put the "yeast" in our kit, and we went this past weekend to bottle it. I really liked the process, it's a mom'n'pop operation and they are very sweet. If I could work there I totally would (and make the same money that I make now... unlikely?) 
Here is where we went.

Moberly Homebrew 2002 
1106 10th Ave N RR 2, Golden, BC V0A 1H2(250) 344-7300 

 Our drying station after sanitizing the bottles.
 The "high tec" bottling thingy that we used.
 First box.
 We made 2 different kinds and split them.
Overall I am very happy with the taste of the wine, we got around 56 bottles and the price worked out to $6.30 per bottle, not bad hey!

Happy sipping
<3 Kass