Sunday, 3 February 2013

Some adorable crafting...

I love crafting for babies...I know y'all know this about me, so it will come as no surprise that the crafts that I have to share with you today are baby crafts!

This first one is a late quilt gift to a babe who was born a while ago (I was slacking apparently). Anyway, it was a panel quilt, pretty easy but SO cute, trickiest thing was sewing around the animals...that ended up hurting my hands (I need a better sewing machine I think). This could be why it took me so long to complete this one.

This next picture shows some art prints that I did up in Microsoft Publisher and had printed by a print company in Calgary, I LOVE the colors (went for the Peacock look) and the songs on them, I think they turned out nicely. 

This little gal is the cutest thing I have ever knitted I think, mostly because I love monkeys. I just need to make a bow for her cute little head so that people know that she is a girl. I feel so blessed to be able to make this for E and B's new daughter, and very excited to meet the little gaffer! 

Seriously, this monkey is so cute I could die...if you want to make one be sure to pick up Knitted wild animals, the pattern was easy to follow and turned out lovely. 

What crafts have you guys been making? 

<3 Kass

January reading list.

January was a reading month for me, I was shocked at how many books I devoured. Granted a majority of them are from the Pretty Little Liar's series, they are easy reads and only 300ish pages long...if I focus I can (and have) read one in a day! So here are the books I have read this month. :)

1. Pretty Little Liars- Flawless; I honestly love this series, I am however, finding it hard to read the books and watch the show (AMAZING) at the same time...I keep getting confused. Does anyone else think that Toby infiltrated A to protect Spencer? Or am I just a hopeless romantic hoping for the best....hmmm

I couldn't read fast enough towards the end of this suspenseful! 

This last book was my book club's pick. I was not expecting to like this books as much as I did. I also could see where each of the women were coming from...such a sad book but it does have a nice conclusion. 

Have you guys read anything this month? Any book recommendations for me? 

Hope your January was Blessed
<3 Kass