I haven't been blogging lately...my nana broke her hip so being there for her and helping out my Aunty as much as possibly has taken over my life. I haven't even been reading or knitting very much lately. HOWEVER, my sister is due in May AND lives in Missouri (where my mama is going this week) so I had a time limit to getting crafting done for baby Aiden. I am thankfully all done with a few days to prepare :) Here is what I made!
Crib sheets! Actually quite easy to make, I will make these again for sure. If you want a tutorial go to
This blog :)
I also made a crib skirt...I don't have a crib here so I will have to get my sister to send me pictures when she puts this on the crib! So excited to see it!
Isn't the quilt cute?! I love it!
What a nice stack of love :)
Hope y'all are having an amazing start to spring :)
<3 Kass