Sunday, 9 November 2014

28 weeks aka, third trimester, aka almost there...

Can you believe we have 12 weeks left until our babes expected due date...12 weeks...that's insane. On one hand it seems like a long time, but really it's only 3 months, or 46 work days left (yay for time off at Christmas) or 10 weekends it's not a lot of time at all.

The nursery is almost done, I need to just decide on a glider/ottoman combo and print and hang pictures (well Mike will hang the pictures because he's so good at it), make the mobile, and make curtains and the baby quilt....sigh, so it's like 50% done...will post pictures as soon as we are satisfied with it. 

Overall I am still feeling pretty good, I get little bursts of energy followed by activity and then I need to rest, my body just isn't capable of the go go go anymore; which is fine and understandable and necessary. Here is my list of annoying pregnancy things so will be small as it's really not that bad for me yet. 

  1. I am starting to get a bit of heartburn, it's not fun at all but it's not even everyday so this is a 1/2 complaint. 
  2. Baby K has decided it's super fun to be all up in my ribs...when she is pressing it feels gross and weird, when she kicks I may occasionally swear, it hurts so bad! I figure it's my parents fault for being so short and thus making me so short..Its going to get so much worse too I know. 
  3. Speaking of being short...there is no where for this little bug to go, so my belly is already taking over my lungs; I find I get short of breath faster lately so I need to be careful when working out and doing chores that I don't overdo it. 
  4. Speaking of working out and doing workouts now consist of walking...slowly at an incline on the treadmill and then some weights, so not bad...I still miss lifting anything heavier than a 15 pound dumbbell though. Also, did you know that when cleaning the floors in our house one needs to take 2-3 breaks (our house isn't even that big)...Ya, me neither, but I did. To be fair I brought up two vacuums from downstairs (carpet and tile people!) vacuumed and wiped down the couches, vacuumed the carpet including the stairs and then did the rest of the floors..Mike gets to mop, I am over floors. I have decided to be smart and leave the vacuums upstairs in the closet so it's not so bad next time. 
  5. My back and hips are starting to get pissy, back when I stand or sit to long, hips in the morning (I do have a pregnancy pillow that I love but I think I kick it out from between my legs when sleeping). I am hoping it's just an ongoing discomfort and doesn't get to bad...
Things that are still pretty cool about pregnancy. 
  1. Feeling her move! She has started to kick my finger if she is awake and I poke my belly, so fun! 
  2. Mike feeling her move, he thinks it's pretty cool.
  3. I am still sleeping alright (yes I am knocking on wood). 
  4. Eating is still good, I can't eat as much though which is a great thing ;). 
  5. I can almost bend over..kind's hard and I get out of breath though. 
  6. I still feel so good after a workout; baby grooves after too. 
  7. Mike talking about how excited he is to meet her, he's going to be an amazing daddy and I am pretty stoked that I get to raise her with him :) 
  8. Monthly massages!!! So excited for Monday! 
I am sure there are more but I am sleepy right now! Will post nursery pics asap and maybe even a belly one. 

<3 Kass