I haven't had a decent cookie since I started eating gluten free...except my ginger bread ones from last Christmas! Either way, I could buy chocolate chip cookies but they were always dry and never chewy...then I saw a post on Pinterest that changed my life...well my cookie eating life anyway...I will give you the recipe..and bold the revelation, cause it is EPIC.
I used a package of Judy's Magic Mixes, ultimate chewy cookie mix (except I used real margarine...would have preferred butter but I didn't have any) added chopped up Bernard Callebaut chocolate, about 2 TBSP of Milk (I eye balled it and just made it so the cookie dough felt "Right" (helpful huh!), and then about 1/2 a package of VANILLA INSTANT PUDDING MIX!!!! This gives the cookies a chewy consistency even a few days after they are baked (We have 2 left...so they won't last that long).
The result was amazing, Mike didn't even respond when I asked how they were because he was in heaven! Next time he has requested a little bacon thrown in...hopefully we can find some before the bacon shortage...if we don't that will be tragic.
Anyhoo.. Sorry for the lack of posting. We have been moving, but we are officially Langdon residents! I have even been to my first book club meeting...which was amazing, obviously.
I am working on Halloween decorations..so I will hopefully have fun things to share with y'all soon.
Hope things are lovely!
<3 Kass
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Baby crafting!
My friends K+D have welcomed another precious little boy into their lives! As y'all know I LOVE crafting for babies! So when I found out they were expecting I started making this pretty little blanket by Caron Petunia Baby Blanket. Here are some pictures of the finished product
It's it cute!
The back had little "loops" from the colour work that I didn't want baby's fingers getting caught in so I sewed this backing on it...matched perfectly and I love it...it was super hard to do.
so sweet!
Apparently all I needed to do was vent my frustrations to the universe...because the house that we saw that was already sold had that offer fall through...so Mike and I were able to buy it! All the conditions have now been met and we move in September 24th!
It's it cute!
The back had little "loops" from the colour work that I didn't want baby's fingers getting caught in so I sewed this backing on it...matched perfectly and I love it...it was super hard to do.
so sweet!
Apparently all I needed to do was vent my frustrations to the universe...because the house that we saw that was already sold had that offer fall through...so Mike and I were able to buy it! All the conditions have now been met and we move in September 24th!
Monday, 6 August 2012
I have spent the summer reading....nothing wrong with that.
I go through phases where I don't read, read a bit, and then when I can't stop reading...I just finished a can't stop reading phase. Here is what I have read recently, and a little blurb on each one.
I liked this more then I thought I would, however I am still not ready to dive into the Lord of the Rings trilogy...maybe in the winter. I am also excited for this movie, mostly because I like little things and I think the Hobbits, elves, dwarfs and other little creatures in the book will be adorable.
Easy read, liked it. A little rough sometimes (some of the sex scenes), but overall a good read. The social worker in me was more interested in Christian's history than anything else though.
Same as above.
This one I loved, nothing better then a happy ending.
Very cute book, once you get used to the fact that it is written from "Jack's" view point...
I loved how the author addressed multiple view points and brought everything together into a cohesive whole.
WOW, Jaycee is amazing, this book had me spell bound. Such a inspirational story.
Didn't quite get this one until the end...very differed from Wally Lamb's other books (that I have loved)
I enjoyed reading about what some of my favorite characters are up to...however it made me want more....Mrs. Jacobs, please write a knit three.
This was lovely book....I was shocked by the ending but felt like I expected it at the same time....if that makes sense.
So there you have it, my summer reading list so far. Apparently I am reading "Three cups of tea" next... What are you reading?
<3 Kass
Post number 1, house hunting.
Apparently I suck at blogging in the summer...meaning I really don't blog that much at all, or haven't.
I have been busy finishing a project and reading, and camping, and going to a lovely wedding and working and working out. So basically it been a great summer so far. I am planning on posting a few blog posts today to get y'all caught up.
I guess one of the biggest things that Mike and I have been up to this summer is trying to buy a house. We have our hearts set on Langdon and it has been a disappointing journey to say the least. We found a house that we loved. Made a offer, the owners countered, we accepted that price...BUT before they met with their Realtor to sign the paper work the next morning they changed their minds...said they needed more money...we said that we weren't playing those games and walked away. THEN last Thursday Mike and I went to look at another house, we really liked it, it was well kept...more like immaculate...and we were ready to make an offer, when my Realtor called to ask some questions he was told that there was already and offer on the property...an accepted one. We were so mad and confused, why would they let us see it if they already had an accepted offer..shady hey! So we are again, back to square one, there isn't anything in Langdon that we like right now so its a waiting game. We even tried looking at some Calgary properties online, and they were lovely, but are hearts are in Langdon...so we wait.
If you guys could send out well wishes and prayers for us to find the right home we would be very grateful...we are both getting discouraged and need all the help we can get.
<3 Kass
I have been busy finishing a project and reading, and camping, and going to a lovely wedding and working and working out. So basically it been a great summer so far. I am planning on posting a few blog posts today to get y'all caught up.
I guess one of the biggest things that Mike and I have been up to this summer is trying to buy a house. We have our hearts set on Langdon and it has been a disappointing journey to say the least. We found a house that we loved. Made a offer, the owners countered, we accepted that price...BUT before they met with their Realtor to sign the paper work the next morning they changed their minds...said they needed more money...we said that we weren't playing those games and walked away. THEN last Thursday Mike and I went to look at another house, we really liked it, it was well kept...more like immaculate...and we were ready to make an offer, when my Realtor called to ask some questions he was told that there was already and offer on the property...an accepted one. We were so mad and confused, why would they let us see it if they already had an accepted offer..shady hey! So we are again, back to square one, there isn't anything in Langdon that we like right now so its a waiting game. We even tried looking at some Calgary properties online, and they were lovely, but are hearts are in Langdon...so we wait.
If you guys could send out well wishes and prayers for us to find the right home we would be very grateful...we are both getting discouraged and need all the help we can get.
Just an update to this one...we are now in the second house that we loved...the one with the offer already, it apparently fell through, so things worked out (and this gave us bargaining power!!!). Thanks for the prayers and well wishes, as always it worked out, and we are officially living in Langdon today!
<3 Kass
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Just a little more crafting :)
My friend C's baby shower was today! It was lovely, a perfect sunny day, she looked radiant, and she was surrounded by many, many people who love and adore her! Last night I decided that I was not quite done knitting for the little Mc-baby. (I think I have a problem...I just love baby knitting). So I decided to make this adorable Elephant soother clip! Isn't it cute!! (It's again from the itty bitty nursery book, but the ears are knitted, in the book they ask you to crochet them).
Look at the little smirk ;)
All packed up and ready to bring smiles!. Miss T, also received her snakes today, and she loved them (Like only a little girl who asked for someone to knit her snakes could...)
Hope you had a good weekend :)
<3 Kass
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
With love, all things are possible.
If you want to learn about true love
If you want to learn about "for better or for worse"
If you want to learn about "in sickness and in health"
If you want to feel proud of what our soldiers are doing around the world
If you want to learn about the sheer determination of the human spirit
If you want to learn about the capacity to forgive
Read this book.
Trevor and Debbie's next mission "To train women in conflict zones as teachers, to enlighten and empower future generations"
To donate please go to www.vancouverfoundation.ca/GreeneFamily
<3 Kass
Well...they are about as cute as a knitted snake can be.
I recently finished a project that I have been working on for awhile. I made these two little snakes for T, who is going to be a big sister soon, you may remember the Hippo I made for her (soon to come out of mommy) brother. I asked T what she wanted and she looked through two books of knitted stuffy's and picked the snakes...Her mom and I were amused, and honestly tried to encourage her to pick something cuter...but she's a stubborn little bean and I started knitting these little beauty's.
It was interesting seeing the lady's at work's reaction, one woman has a huge fear of snakes and asked that I cover the picture of the snakes in the pattern book...I am sure she will be delighted to see me working on a baby blanket tomorrow :)
Here are some pictures.
awe!! they are cuddling
I do love the colours...so pretty.
Hope your week is going well.
<3 Kass
Monday, 21 May 2012
Creating :)
Here is a quick set of pictures of my craftiness lately :)
My mug, it has my favorite Bible verse on it! I wish I was better at writing so it would look prettier. But it's huge and I love it.
All "Kilned" up and finished :) I love them.This is the preview of the body of the snake I am making like I promised :) I love the colors on this one (I am working on the body of the second snake now)
My dog, she's cute. This was on route to watch our friends play ball :)
What have you guys made lately?
<3 Kass
If eating Mini gluten free blueberry pies for lunch is wrong....I'm wrong and it's delicious!
Mike is away, he went camping, I stayed in Calgary to volunteer at church and see my Grandpa (who was also camping all weekend...sigh). I honestly surprised at how much I missed Mike. Normally I love my alone time....yearn for it actually. But I think I love my alone time if I am able to see Mike now...kinda different, and very cool, must mean that I love the man.
Anyhoo, enough of that sappy crap. When I am alone all weekend I do many things...I shop, knit, do my nails, cook, bake, clean, walk the puppy, facebook, watch movies/tv, sleep, dream up quilting projects and in general just chill.
This weekend was no different. Friday went shopping with Mike so he could get ready for camping and I could get ready for cooking. Saturday I baked Mike cookies for camping and then went for lunch with my Rebek, then dropped the cookies off to Mike, then grocery shopped and then went home and....brace yourself...relaxed.
Sunday I volunteered at church and then made a huge pot of Chili, Meat Loaf and potatoes, and beef and veggie stew, then I cleaned up... (my Kitchen was a nightmare. I also did my nails and worked on the snake that I am knitting (I will show you a preview in my next post).
TODAY I baked!! I love baking, and I love mini things, so I combined them into
I used Celimix Pastry blend (based in Winnipeg company, pretty darn tasty)
Smushed the dough into a cupcake tin to make little bowls.
Added the filling, I ran out of blueberry but I had some cherry in the fridge that I needed to use up so it worked out perfectly.
Then I made little tops for some of them (ran out of dough...oops). I baked them for 12 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Just a tip, when taking them out of the tin, use a knife to start to life them up (run it along the side and gently push up until you can see the bottom of the pie on the other side) THEN gently slide it on to a big spoon (or something). I broke 2 before I learned this...which was sad.
I also made Kale chips... Surprisingly tasty...easy too. There is a recipe on Dr. Oz's websiteSo that is my weekend so far :)
Hope yours is amazing
<3 Kass
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Book Review: Friday Night Knitting Club, by Kate Jacobs
Today I am home, sitting on the couch being sick, while it's 25 beautiful degree's outside..kinda sucky, but I was finally able to finish this book. Now, I have to be careful with this book review because I don't want to spoil it for my friend Andrea, who is still reading it...
I loved this book, I love the way Ms. Jacobs introduces us to all the very different characters, their stories and journey's...I loved the plot twists, the development of friendships, relationships and life lesson's that we are guided through. I love the fact that it was about knitting, and a knitting club, while not really being about that at all. It was brilliant and I am excited to start Knit Two (although I am going to read something else first).
This book makes me want to start a knitting club, and own a yarn/knitting store and knit a sweater...I wonder which of those things I will accomplish. I will just have to channel my inner Georgia Walker and knit on :)
<3 Kass
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Book Review; Inside the Wall- Megan Bishop-Scott
I just finished reading Inside the Wall by Megan Bishop-Scott; Actually I wouldn't say I read this book, it was more like I devoured it. I started this morning at Chapter 5 and finished it around 6:30 this evening! I actually know Megan, in fact, my copy of this book is even autographed with a personal message from her. See, I met Megan at work, we share a passion for somehow, in our own ways touching the lives of foster children in a positive way. It's a true blessing to do the work we do.
Like I said I met Megan at work, she is lovely, a truly kind, creative spirit who I enjoy working with. I saw her before and after India, but didn't truly realize how life changing a journey that was for her until I read part 3 of this book. When Megan told me that she wrote this book I looked it up right away, I have a weakness for books, especially real life stories. As I read the write-up on the book that was posted on Amazon I was shocked, because it did not, in any way, match what I had conjured up in my head about Megan. The write up to me sounded like something out of a Hollywood movie, not a life journey that I could picture Megan having. Reading her story I was moved, I laughed, I gasped, and was in awe at her amazing capacity to be brave, grow, love, forgive and never give up. I know many people that have been crippled by journeys far less challenging then Megan's, and yet I see her frequently, smiling and laughing and doing her part to touch the lives of children in a positive way. Megan's story, to me illustrated the need to "Live your Bliss" whatever that may be, and to always, constantly work to better yourself, so that you in turn can help others and bless their lives in a positive way.
I know that my journey probably won't be as epic as Megan's, it will probably have less twists and turns and adventure, but that's okay because it's my journey, and as long as I am being true to myself that's all that matters. Megan. Thank-you for writing such an inspiring story, it has truly touched my life.
<3 Kass
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Book Review; The boy who was raised as a dog
Some people think I am crazy for reading such a work-related book in my spare time, however I am not a fan of "mindless" reads usually and prefer to learn something or have to think about what I am reading. I loved this book! Even though it was full of concepts that I was already familiar with through work, I found Dr. Perry's explanations and examples allowed me to gain a greater depth to my knowledge of how trauma affects the developing brain.
Most importantly I found this book encouraging, to know that children who have suffered horrific abuse can make gains and progress with the right treatments and interventions, even if they don't start until they are older gives me hope for the little's that I have come across in my work. I honestly think that this book should be shared/given to every caregiver of a child who has experienced trauma, perhaps it will help them understand what is behind their child's behaviors in those moments when they are "lucky their cute".
I would recommend this book to anyone really, but specifically to caregivers, social workers, therapists, etc of children who have experienced trauma. Perhaps it will also encourage people to raise our children in the healthy communities that Dr. Perry describes...wouldn't that be amazing?!
<3 Kass
Knitted Hippo's are adorable.
I love finishing knitting projects, there is nothing more satisfying, other than finishing books...obviously.
I have been working on a darling Hippo for my friend C's soon to be born baby boy, I finished today and promptly sent her a picture (I was dying to show her). Thankfully she and her husband love this darling little guy!
Look at his little bum (and TAIL)
Isn't he sweet! I could just snuggle him, but he is sitting in my car so that he is safe from Tasha, who would totally try to lick him to pieces.
Here is the amazing dinner I made Mike on Monday, Baked Tilapia (with olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, cayenne, clubhouse lemon and herb blend and clubhouse garlic blend). I also made Quinoa, Asparagus and Brussel Sprouts (Which I like as an adult). Mike isn't a huge fish fan but he did like this :) It was yummy, and super healthy.
Today we dyed/glittered Easter eggs...HOW FUN ARE THESE?! Can you tell my friend A and I like pink?!
I am in love with this pic of Furry, she's amazingly cute when she crosses her paws.
BREAKING NEWS: I RAN ("intervalled") 5KM'S TODAY!!!!! Feels amazing
Hope your week is going well.
<3 Kass
I have been working on a darling Hippo for my friend C's soon to be born baby boy, I finished today and promptly sent her a picture (I was dying to show her). Thankfully she and her husband love this darling little guy!
Look at his little bum (and TAIL)
Isn't he sweet! I could just snuggle him, but he is sitting in my car so that he is safe from Tasha, who would totally try to lick him to pieces.
Here is the amazing dinner I made Mike on Monday, Baked Tilapia (with olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, cayenne, clubhouse lemon and herb blend and clubhouse garlic blend). I also made Quinoa, Asparagus and Brussel Sprouts (Which I like as an adult). Mike isn't a huge fish fan but he did like this :) It was yummy, and super healthy.
Today we dyed/glittered Easter eggs...HOW FUN ARE THESE?! Can you tell my friend A and I like pink?!
I am in love with this pic of Furry, she's amazingly cute when she crosses her paws.
BREAKING NEWS: I RAN ("intervalled") 5KM'S TODAY!!!!! Feels amazing
Hope your week is going well.
<3 Kass
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Who else loves reading?
I honestly do not read enough...I knit, I watch T.V and I used to farmville (I have quit, my dad and Mike are so proud) so that leaves little time for reading; however I am going to try to be better; I am going to try to read more...I have decided to make a list of the next 5 books I need to read in 2012; I am hoping to write a review after finishing them and then once they are done I will make another list.. (I love lists, they are very motivating for me).
1. The boy who was raised as a dog; Dr. Bruce Perry; This one is a cheater, because I am about half way done it already, But I am loving it and I am pretty excited to share my thoughts later.
2. March Forth, the inspiring story of a Canadian Soldiers journey for love, hope and survival; I saw this couple on T.V a few weeks ago and felt compelled to buy this book, partly because I wanted to support them, but also because I felt it would be an incredible read.
3. Inside the Wall; This book was written by Megan Bishop-Scott, a woman who work with, It sounds like an amazing read and I am excited to dive in!
4. The Hobbit; I have started it, but I am taking a break because Andrea packed hers and we need to read it together.....ya that's totally the reason.
5. The Resolution-for women; I bought this one at church today and I think it will be a good read; It's all about discovering God's path for us.....well Amazon tells it better, here is the blurby.. "The Resolution for Women inspires women with intentional, spirit-filled living from three unique angles. Section one, entitled, "This Is Who I Am," helps a woman define herself as "authentically me, purposefully feminine, surprisingly satisfied, and faithfully His." Section two, "This Is What I Have," invites her to value "my best, my blessing, my honor, and my heart." And Section three, "This Is What Matters To Me," focuses on joyfully honoring God as a wife, mother, and family member while resolving to live with the grace that leaves a godly legacy. The Resolution for Women is designed to inspire a revolution" Amazon.com..
So that is my list...I am very excited to share my thoughts with you after... I am also excited to show you the knitting project that I am working on; it's beyond cute!
Hope things are amazing
<3 Kass
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Baby crafting :)
I love knitting for babies, they are so tiny and so all of the things that you make for them are teeny tiny too. I came across a pattern for Baby Moccasins and decided that I had to make them for my friend K who is having a little bean soon; I haven't made the ones for her little one yet because a couple ladies at work requested pairs for precious babies who have recently entered their lives. As always I am beyond excited to show you pictures of the ones that I have completed :)
Aren't they the sweetest!
I had to post this picture (which I found on Pinterest), this make me giggle a lot...not sure why but it's beyond amusing.
Hope your March is going well, I will hopefully be back soon to blog about the Hippo that I am knitting.
<3 Kass
Aren't they the sweetest!
I had to post this picture (which I found on Pinterest), this make me giggle a lot...not sure why but it's beyond amusing.
Hope your March is going well, I will hopefully be back soon to blog about the Hippo that I am knitting.
<3 Kass
Saturday, 18 February 2012
I now present...pinwheels in the park :)
I have mentioned before that I am WAY over date on my friend's E and B's wedding gift....they were married in September and I just gave them their quilt on Friday...oops :) Either way it is all done and I am excited to show it to you! I based this quilt off of the Pinwheels in the park quilt tutorial, I knew that this quilt was going to be a challenge and decided that since I already had 3 quilts under my belt I could handle it :) Here are some pictures
This is the picture of the quilt that Rachel made for the Tutorial (see link above).
Cutting it all up... I love how this looks.
Piecing them together.
Trying to decide on a pattern.
moving along.
A closer shot of the binding.
All folded
A sideways picture of the quilt
The back :)
I am beyond happy with how this turned out! E sent me a picture of B all cuddled up in it on Friday night...so cute :)
I have also found my next project...I found this book in Chapters and couldn't leave it there (Mike said he wouldn't have been able to either...it's just that epic) I went to Michael's today and bought all the yarn with a 25% off your entire purchase coupon...I hope to start tonight.
On Valentines day Mike and I made home made laundry soap!! It was the recipe from This blog and I must say I love it. Ours cost $19 for half of one of those home depot paint buckets...and we only need 1-2 scoops a load so it is going to last forever. It also smells amazing and clean, even after the dryer. I may be a convert :)
Isn't it adorable.
Hope you have a wonderful family day long weekend. I am going to a Roughnecks game and then going to join Mike at a cabin....where he will ice race and I will stay inside and knit. I love that this works so nicely for us and that he is fine with me staying inside all weekend (he wants us to come say hello once though).
<3 Kass
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