I just finished reading Inside the Wall by Megan Bishop-Scott; Actually I wouldn't say I read this book, it was more like I devoured it. I started this morning at Chapter 5 and finished it around 6:30 this evening! I actually know Megan, in fact, my copy of this book is even autographed with a personal message from her. See, I met Megan at work, we share a passion for somehow, in our own ways touching the lives of foster children in a positive way. It's a true blessing to do the work we do.
Like I said I met Megan at work, she is lovely, a truly kind, creative spirit who I enjoy working with. I saw her before and after India, but didn't truly realize how life changing a journey that was for her until I read part 3 of this book. When Megan told me that she wrote this book I looked it up right away, I have a weakness for books, especially real life stories. As I read the write-up on the book that was posted on Amazon I was shocked, because it did not, in any way, match what I had conjured up in my head about Megan. The write up to me sounded like something out of a Hollywood movie, not a life journey that I could picture Megan having. Reading her story I was moved, I laughed, I gasped, and was in awe at her amazing capacity to be brave, grow, love, forgive and never give up. I know many people that have been crippled by journeys far less challenging then Megan's, and yet I see her frequently, smiling and laughing and doing her part to touch the lives of children in a positive way. Megan's story, to me illustrated the need to "Live your Bliss" whatever that may be, and to always, constantly work to better yourself, so that you in turn can help others and bless their lives in a positive way.
I know that my journey probably won't be as epic as Megan's, it will probably have less twists and turns and adventure, but that's okay because it's my journey, and as long as I am being true to myself that's all that matters. Megan. Thank-you for writing such an inspiring story, it has truly touched my life.
<3 Kass
1 comment:
...and meeting souls like you makes it all worthwhile, Kass! Thanks for taking the time to read this! Much love, Megan
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