So I think everyone starts thinking about resolutions this time of year, some people hate them, some make them and most break them. I decided that this year I want to make attainable "goals", mostly focused on improving my quality of life. Here they are!
1. Read more, last year I read 26 books, this year I want to read 30...not hard considering 12 of those will come from my book club :). I am also on my second book of the year making good progress!
2. Stay away from negativity...this one is hard..sometimes most of the negativity comes from people that we love, at least it does in my life, and people that we can't easily just "love from a distance". I don't know how I am going to manage this one...perhaps the trick is to try not to be broken by the putting less weight in those people's opinion and words. I am the first to say that I don't care what people think..and generally I don't, unless you count a select few that can (and have) broken me...I need to ponder this one more. But in the words of my homeboy big willie style...
Not that I have had any huge struggles... more like I have made life choices that people don't appreciate, and while I love those people and cherish them, their negativity isn't allowed to affect me anymore, and if it changes the relationship that I have with those people...that is their choice, not mine..sigh..
3. More quality time with Mike, this one is hard, our work schedules don't jive very well and the only full day we have together is Sunday, however I do think we need to turn the T.V off more and read books together (Babe I have our next one picked out), or play games, take the girls for a walk or WHATEVER, as long as we aren't watching T.V every night, some nights is okay, not every one.
4. Continue with my fitness mojo; Currently I am working out, in some form daily, I either go to bootcamp, ride on my new recumbent bike, or treadmill while watching full house (Have Mercy!!). I am to the point where if I don't workout daily....wait, that only happens when I am sick...point is I, Kassandra Ila Kathleen Fournier (my name is to long Mike...) LOVE working out..I crave it, I need it and it makes me feel amazing. SO this year I want to continue that, but I want to pay less attention to the scale, and realize that the BMI can kiss my muscular shapely booty. I mean really...does it take into consideration my muscles?! NO IT DOESN'T...and I have lots of those, you should see the definition in my arms when I lift...or my legs when I, do anything really, its bloody fantastic. So I guess I want to love myself more, and embrace my strength...I honestly love weight lifting so I want to do more of that and feel confident in the changes in my body regardless of what the scale says.
5. Spend more time with my Cherished friends and family..this one is self explanatory . I need to see more people whom I love, more often.
So those are you have any? Any advise for the ones I have?
Be Blessed
<3 Kass
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