Wednesday, 24 September 2014

22 weeks! Musings and belly pic

Hey! So I am 22 weeks along this week and this belly is getting HUGE according to me, Mike still thinks it's little. I remind him that he doesn't have to roll over at night with it or try to bend straight down to touch his feet...cause when I do I CAN FEEL IT! It's kind of crazy, in a cool and creepy way, feels like a ball, that if I smoosh it it will pop, I can also feel her grooving around in there, which is amazing and an amazing way? :) 

We went to the South Calgary Health Campus for our first meeting with my OBGYN, (Dr. Zacharias) She is lovely, as is the hospital, and the staff..I feel like this will be a great experience. At the South Calgary Hospital (SCHC from now on) they even have a team of dietitians, OT's, psych, social work etc ON STAFF that we can meet with throughout the pregnancy (and after). I noted that I would like to chat with a dietitian (really I want to ask about tea, and if runny eggs are really that bad, cause I want runny eggs with toast...BAD). I expected to wait forever to hear from anyone, the lady called me a week later, and we booked a meeting already!!! I'm impressed and Mike was too!

I have kept up with my working out, have been twice this week actually, my legs hurt but it feels so good to move again. I usually end up biking (upright, I can't recombant bike anymore) and then doing some strength training. It takes about 45 minutes and I am tired and calling it quits, so less than normal but it feels good. Baby K is super active after, I think she likes when I move around and jiggle her...silly baby, just like her mama, loves to work out! 

Overall I am still feeling great, SUPER tired but I think that's cause I ran out of B vitamins...mental note to buy more...other than that I am liking the second trimester a lot! I am almost done refinishing the crib, and will go pick out paint soon too, carpet is being installed after thanksgiving and then we can decorate the nursery and move everything in. Mike will love this because there is baby stuff in the basement right now, and he wants to finish the basement asap. (in all fairness the dresser is huge and heavy, but the rest could be moved around his finishing work...but that's a pain). 

Here is a belly pic! I just love how pregnant I am looking, not just chubby thank you very much! Also, my arm muscles are coming back and legs too a little bit!! Hallelujah! I am getting over the shock of how much thicker I have gotten since getting pregnant, but I am delighted that I am working out again because I like being fit! 

Hope y'all are doing well! 
<3 Kass

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