I was reading a blog post this morning about New Year's resolutions, essentially the mom decided that the only one she could manage was to drink more wine...I think she may be selling herself a little short but I am aware that I still am pregnant and my life still can pretty much revolve around what I want to do and less around baby K. (In fairness her kids were toddlers, so really she's probably right).
Either way this got me thinking about what I would like to accomplish this year, here are some of my musings.
1. Put the health, safety and development of our baby, selves and marriage first. At the end of the day if Mike, Baby K and I are happy and healthy and thriving we are golden. I realise that for a time we will be so tired and baby K will be so little that her needs will trump ours, we may not be able to pour into our marriage as much as we would like. In those times I pray that we are gentle with ourselves and each other, and just love each other through it. I like to think that we have pretty realistic expectations of the next year, we know it's going to be amazing and joyous and the hardest time of our lives sometimes but it will be worth it, and we will make it through stronger and more connected than ever before.
2. I would like to read at some point in the next year, Ideally the 12 books that my book club picks (I have already ready January's selection). I know this may not be possible but it's a goal, and I have read 47 books in 2014 so it's a very gentle goal I believe.
3. I want and need to be gentle with myself about how my body looks after this little bean comes out. Pregnancy is crazy and you grow so much in order to support your baby and I can't expect that weight to fall right off after. I also can't expect that I will have the time or energy to work out as much as I did before the wedding, and that's okay. My main focus will be keeping this babe happy and thriving, and if I happen to have time for a workout sometimes then that is amazing, if not, that's life and I will try again later. I also hope and pray that those around me are sensitive to this as well and don't make comments about my weight after this baby comes out (or before). I am not talking Mike, so don't think for a second that he wont be supportive loving through this, he will likely be the one telling me to pace myself and relax about the weight, also he seems to like when I am a little rounder and rejoiced the return of my booty in pregnancy (mental note to self, may have gotten to little before the wedding, hubs missed the bum, don't do that again). But anyone else, just don't do it, it's not your place to comment on anyones weight, especially after they have created a human.
4, Drink a ton of water, I hope to breast feed and my body will need this.
5. Go to the Zoo at least twice a month when the weather warms up, ideally I would like to go weekly like I did with Nana when I was little but I figure twice a month is a good goal. Mike and I decided to buy a membership with a guest pass with some Christmas money so I am determined to use it lots if we can.
6. I would love to see family as much as possible this year, this may mean learning to pull the trailer without Mike so I can go camping in Brooks with the parentals (really I am sure I can do it, or my dad can). We have a trip to Sask planned in July and I am hoping to get another something in sometime this year as well, perhaps a jaunt to Montana for fruity pebbles....or camping with Mike's side of the family. I also hope to make it into Calgary at least once a week so baby K can hang out with her Nana and Aunty. Hopefully people will come and visit us in Langdon too (it's 20 minutes from Calgary people...).
7. Still see my friends, although this is not only my responsibility, it's a joint one and I don't know that I will have the energy or ability to make sure this happens all the time, however I know that the ones who are meant to be here will, they will make the effort and I will jump in when I am able to and do the same.
8. Mike and I joined a small group through our church, I am hopeful that we can make it to most of those meetings and to church regularly. I am really excited that we have found such an amazing church family, that is young with lots of babes coming this year! This mean baby K will be able to grow up with a large and supportive church family, and we will as well. This means so much to me and I feel blessed to be a part of the neighborhood. I hope and pray that we can be good spiritual role models for our little ones :)
That's a more extensive list than I originally thought, I am sure I will come up with more as the day's, weeks, months and year progresses. I am so curious to see what this time next year looks like.
What are your resolutions or goals for 2015?
<3 Kass
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