Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Just one more day!

I am starting to go stir crazy, I am so tired of work and I really need a break. This picture is representative of how I feel/look lately.

Thank goodness I am brilliant and booked Monday and Tuesday off (this in addition to having Canada off means that I will be off of work for a full 5 glorious days). However, I am not planning on just sitting around and looking cute, I have big plans for this is a breakdown.

Thursday evening
watch t.v
walk monkey butt (Tasha)
Drink wine
Work on knitting the Giraffe
MAYBE do some dishes

Clean Bathroom
Clean Bedroom
Clean Kitchen/Dining room
Run on my treddy
Get hair done

Pick up cloth diapers for my friend KD
Stop at a farmers market for some fresh veggies for the Fajitas
clean floors
take out garbage
bake a gluten free chocolate cherry truffle cake
make Fajitas (including home made tortillas)
Spend a wonderful evening hanging out with my amazing bf on our 6 month anniversary.

Church with the Banana
Possibly go to McLean creek with the sexy BF, if not try really hard to finish the Giraffe.

Finish the Giraffe
sun tan
Run on the treddy

Do as little as possible and mourn the end of my vacation.
Go interview a new doctor.

I hope to sprinkle these plans with time with the BF, reading, blogging and all other things relaxing. I might even wash my car, that would be shocking.

Hope you all have an amazing Canada day long weekend :)

<3 Kass

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