Sunday, 19 June 2011

Sweet nothings!

Happy Fathers Day!!!!

For Fathers day I decided that I wanted to make an angel food cake, so I turned to Kinnikinnick and made their gluten free version of it! I have to say I was delighted with how it turned out, it was moist, and bouncy (Does that make does in my head) and it tasted really good, the only thing the Bf said was that he was sad that there were no colored sprinkles in the that was how his mama makes it (ha ha cute). My mom requested that I top the cake with "Boiled icing, like Nana always made". So being the smart little pumpkin I am I called my Nana (It's her birthday today!!! Happy Birthday Nana), and asked for the recipe...this would have been brilliant however Nana does not recall making this icing...strange since it's apparently a huge childhood memory for my mom.

Never one to be deterred I pressed on in search of this allusive recipe. You mom doesn't like sweets...ever....and she was practically drooling when she told me about this being the amazing daughter I am (he he) I knew I had to come through for her. I found this recipe and prayed that it was right...

IT WAS!!!! Mama said that it was exactly what she remembered!! It was a pretty nice icing too, light and fluffy, marshmallowey but not to sweet! Here are some pictures of my escapade's today!

Have I mentioned that I love this mixer...makes everything so much easier!! (thanks baby)

<3 Kass

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