Sunday 27 July 2014

I am so tired all the time :)

I like being creative, crafty, efficient. I always thought that I would have an adorable idea to announce my pregnancy... Has anyone told you that babies steal your brain? They do, and your energy and efficiency. I am not one to rest however, so I think the exhaustion is a good thing, it makes me relax and focus on growing a human, which is way more important than checking off the items on my list.

I am told that it will get better soon, energy wise at least, here is hoping. Otherwise this little bean will have a fully store bought nursery and crib set, maybe just a knitted blanket. This seems sad to me since I have delighted in creating baby items for everyone else's little one... Perhaps I will have more spunk and creativity when we know if we are having a boy or a girl. Here is hoping!

So we are expectant parents, in the second trimester and we had the ultrasound last week (how amazing is that?!) babe is due late January 2015 and we are beyond excited! Also shocked that it happened so fast, feeling pretty blessed these days for sure :)

I have been creating blog posts occasionally since we found out, so I will post those soon so y'all can hear my random ramblings about baby and pregnancy.


<3 Kass and baby "Taco" as Mike lovingly refers to it...

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