Wednesday 28 May 2014

Crafting for baby Tigg!

I know I always say "This is my favorite quilt that I have made", but I fully mean it this time! My amazing brother and his lovely girlfriend (who is practically another sister since she grew up with my sister) are expecting their first babe in the next month or so; Clearly that meant I needed to make another quilt, and this was the finished product!

So cute right! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Its actually a simple design, but the fabric is darling! 
Not I am making tiny hats for three tiny precious babes that our lovely friends recently welcomed into the behind...knitting like "tiny" hats would still be way to big so I am not feeling super bad...yet. 
Yay for babies! 

Oh, and an update on my spending, I have been pretty good, bought a few things at dollar stores but just what I needed (night light, batteries, hat) and have not gone into any kitchy stores, I have purchased books and some buy sell items but I am doing pretty well with not spending all my spending money right after payday...going to call it a win :) 

<3 Kass

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