Sunday 13 May 2012

Book Review: Friday Night Knitting Club, by Kate Jacobs

Anyone who knows me knows that I love knitting, if I go a day without knitting I feel out of sorts, scattered. It's immensely therapeutic for me, the calm, repetitious movements and deeply satisfying when I finish a project. Given this information it is no surprise that I am also attracted to books that talk about knitting. So when I saw Kate Jacob's "Friday Night Knitting Club" at Chapters I had to read it!

Today I am home, sitting on the couch being sick, while it's 25 beautiful degree's outside..kinda sucky, but I was finally able to finish this book. Now, I have to be careful with this book review because I don't want to spoil it for my friend Andrea, who is still reading it...

I loved this book, I love the way Ms. Jacobs introduces us to all the very different characters, their stories and journey's...I loved the plot twists, the development of friendships, relationships and life lesson's that we are guided through. I love the fact that it was about knitting, and a knitting club, while not really being about that at all. It was brilliant and I am excited to start Knit Two (although I am going to read something else first). 

This book makes me want to start a knitting club, and own a yarn/knitting store and knit a sweater...I wonder which of those things I will accomplish. I will just have to channel my inner Georgia Walker and knit on :) 

<3 Kass


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