Thursday 7 July 2011

I am in love with vintage!

I posted earlier that I am re-decorating my bathroom. I have decided that the theme is going to be a romantic vintage theme. I could not find anything to hang up as art, other then those cute little vase and bird wall decals. However today I had the best idea in the world, I was going to put fabric in picture frames!!! When I told the bf this idea he couldn't envision it and said something along the lines of "that sounds neat".

The first time I went to fabricland I saw some sparkly fabric that I fell in love with but I couldn't figure out what I would do with it so I hadn't bought any yet....however if I pare the two things together....Brilliance! Here are some pictures!

I absolutely love how these turned out. I tried to do 3 bigger ones for the other wall but I am not happy with one of them so I wont post about them until I am! What do y'all think?

<3 Kass

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Love the idea, Kass. Looks good - looking forward to seeing it in person!!