Wednesday 27 July 2011

Owls and friends

I have recently decided that I think owls are the cutest things ever (next to monkeys) I also love pink so imagine my delight when I noticed that Adournit has a owl line of fabrics that is pink!!!! I of course had to buy it and I received it all tonight (so exciting, I am still however waiting for other fabric that I ordered in June...sad). Here are some pictures

 A cute panel. Amri and Lucy are helping me show this :)

 So cute!
 Notice Lucy's cute little paws.

 Pretty Lucy! And lots of cute owls.
 A layer cake
Charm pack!

I am so excited about all of this fabric, I think that it may become the quilt for my bed (Wouldn't that be swell babe?). So excited to start cutting!

My friend Chandra is so sweet and she gave me my birthday present today (We havent' seen each other since my birthday). Here are some pictures!

 Notice the yarn and needles and the one that says create! I am in love with this!!!
So pretty! Chandra's cousin makes these, so talented!

So overall today was an exciting day!

Hope things are amazing

<3 Kass

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